You see, there is a kind of tradition on Namsan that involves locks. It's called "A promise for Endless Love." paragraph from the tower: "From old times, there was a story that if lovers make a wish at a shrine on Nam-san, it comes true. Since that, this place became a symbol of the place of promising an everlasting flove for couples' love with hanging a lock together. <A Lock of Love>, already famous by media, is not just expressing couples' love by hanging locks, but meaning endless love with experiencing unforgettable moment in the place you can see a view of Seoul...."
And so, we did just that. Poor Chris had a hard time finding a lock prior to the proposal so luckily that had some in the gift shop at the tower. We searched for a spot among the rows of locks and found a place with several older locks, thinking that ours would stand out better for a while. Later in December, we came back and had engagement pictures taken that we will cherish forever!